"Goin' Nowhere", Kristin Samet

"Goin' Nowhere", Kristin Samet

Monday, September 10, 2007

instead of a boring bio, some basic Q & As

Places you have lived Coral Gables, Florida; Miami,
Florida; Vero Beach, Florida; Arundel, Maine; Charleston, South Carolina; Nashville, Tennessee; BumF***k, Utah

If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be and how long would it take you to spend the $10,000?give me 30 minutes in Sharper Image

If money were not an object, what would you do with your life? travel and write/record music

What song best describes you when you first wake up in the morning? Bad Moon Rising

What place in the US would you most like to visit? would love to go back to New England

What places outside of the US would you most like to visit? England & Greece

Desk: messy or organized? organized clutter

Dog or Cat? dog person

Are you always early or late? terminally late

What is your favorite book you read as a child? Black Beauty

What's worse - Physical or Mental cheating? mental

Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive

Would you marry for money? not as a first choice, no

On the way to the electric chair - What's your last meal? grilled lamb, herb roasted potatoes, greek salad

Would you ever have plastic surgery? no way

Favorite movies? Harold & Maude, Billy Jack, Pulp Fiction

Best vacation spots you've been to? Toronto; Bahamas; San Francisco; Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Las Vegas; White Mountains, New Hampshire; Key West, Florida

If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be? wolf

Favorite show as a child? Fractured Fairy Tales

Favorite summer drink? iced tea

Can you change a car tire? yes

Can you shoot pool? yes

Can you drive a stick? yes

Favorite perfume? Cabochard

Favorite candle scent? Sandalwood

Would you sing Karaoke? never in a million years

Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach? YES.. I grew up in Miami LOL

One thing you want that cannot be bought with money: Passionate Love

Your most treasured material possession is? my musical instruments

Do you dream in color or black and white? color. blood-curdling color.

Do you believe in ghosts? i'm not sure. i hope to never become sure.

If you could live in a different decade which would it be? 70s

Do you drink enough water? more than enough. i'm part camel.

Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old? ask me when i'm 99

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